Jun 27, 2007

I'm a bachelor!

It's not quite as cool as saying you're a master, but I'll take it. What with the studying, commuting (oh! the commuting), and the general mayhem that ensues whenever I take classes, I haven't had much time to knit, much less blog, but now, what with the being unemployed and all, I'll finally have time for this thing again. So, without further adieu, a finished object!

These are the socks I made for Mother's Day, out of Schaefer Anne. Now, everyone I've talked to, or whose blog I've read, or whose review I've seen, has raved about this yarn, and it is beautiful. That I can't deny. It's colorful without being loud, the variation knit up is gorgeous, and the yarn itself is smooth and soft, belying the nylon content even in the skein. But it wasn't the greatest yarn since sliced bread. It is, in fact, only yarn. Oh, the dissappointment of reality. I think the mohair isn't really my thing. For socks, it makes them a little less springy and stretchy and led to a protacted, at times rather snitty, fight with a just-barely-too-tight cast-on that I had to re-do. That being said, my mom loved them and put them
on top of the pile of socks I've knit her that sits on her dresser. For more photos and details, go here.

The only other things I knit while in school were the navy blue towels, perfectly mindless for my preoccupied brain, but not all that exciting to photograph, or blog. Soon, unemployment knitting!

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