Mar 9, 2007

Hello world!

It all started a year ago. While watching Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-rabbit, I was overcome with a sudden desire to knit. It must have been Gromit's needles clicking away while he and Wallace were waiting for the were-rabbit to appear. If even a dog with no opposable thumbs can knit, I thought, so can I! So I asked my mom if I could "borrow" some knitting equipment and she showed me the knit stitch, and off I went. Here is my very first swatch:

Charmingly misshapen, or so I like to think.

So, a year after learning, I figured it was time to take the next step and start a blog. I hope it can be as useful to others as everyone else's blogs have been to me.

1 comment:

Maggie Tipping said...

I hate setting in sleeves too! That's why i did it one at a time so I wouldn't have to do both at once :)